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Monday 9/9/19


Some classes need to finish up the physical properties portion of the "Mystery

Powder" lab.  After that we will move to the next portion, the chemical properties of the lab.


Use the white well plate to test how each powder reacts to vinegar and iodine.  Iodine is toxic and will stain your clothing and skin.  Make sure you wearing goggles and wash your hands after the lab. 

Place a TINY bit of each powder in separate cells.  Place ONE drop of iodine solution on each powder.  If starch is present the color will turn a blue/black color.  Record your observations for each on the data table. 

For the vinegar test, place a TINY bit of each powder in a clean, dry well.  Add 2-3 drops of vinegar to each.  If the substance is a base, it will react with the acid in the vinegar and produce bubbles, carbon dioxide.  Record your data on the table.  Rinse the well plate after completing both tests. 

I would like for you to complete one addition test that is not listed in the directions or on the table.  You will need to add a column on the table for this test.  Place a TINY bit of each in separate wells again.  Add 2-3 drops of water to each.  Observe carefully to see if there is bubbling or a temperature change.  Both of these are evidence that it reacts with water.  Record your observations. Rinse the plate when the test is completed.

Finally, you are going to complete the heat test.  Make a small pan from an aluminum square by forming it over the bottom of a cup.  Place a SMALL spoonful of the first powder in the pan.  Carefully light the votive candle. Use the crucible tongs to hold the pan over the flame of the candle for 1-2 minutes.  DO NOT INHALE THE SMOKE.  You are looking for color changes, odor changes, texture changes etc.  Repeat with a clean aluminum pan for each of the powders.  Record the results on the table.  Discard each of the used pans after they have had time to cool. Clean up your lab bench and wash your hands before returning to your seat.


Take a look at these videos.  Enjoy


Here is a youtube video of the Mystery Powder Lab


Here is a video of the difference between baking soda and baking powder.


Here is a video on the chemistry of cake.


Tuesday 9/10/19


You should now have both the physical properties of the 5 mystery powders and the chemical properties of the 5 mystery powders examined.  Compare your results to the table

on the word document:









After you have compared your results, you are ready for part III of the mystery lab.

Retrieve a numbered baggie that has two of the mystery powders mixed together.  

Your job will be to determine which two mystery powders are mixed together.  
Complete the same tests on the mixture and compare your results to your results from part I and part II.


Complete page 4 of the mystery lab sheet.  You will be recording your results on a table that you create.  Then write a paragraph on how you identified the two powders in the mixture.  Do not forget what a real paragraph requires!  The lab page will be due the following day.


Wednesday 9/11/19


Only 2nd and 3rd hours will have class today due to the 911 observance activities.

All students will attend 1st period through lunch as usual.  After lunch students will report to their regular 4th period class to take roll.  Your 4th hour teacher will escort you to the auditorium for the 911 movie and guest speaker.  You will report back to your 7th period class after the movie.


This means that 4th, 6th, and 7th period science classes will be one day behind 2nd and 3rd hour classes.  


2nd and 3rd hour classes will have the Mystery Powder Lab page due today.  We will view the videos from Monday and have some discussion about what may have caused the dessert disaster.


Then we will take a 5 question, multiple choice, PRE-Test.  This is not for a grade.  It is designed to check your readiness for this chapter.  At the end of the chapter we will take the same test again.



Thursday 9/12/19


2nd and 3rd hours will complete the indirect evidence lab.  There will be a handout.

We will discuss inferring and how it relates to indirect evidence and the development of the atomic models.  Your group will be given a sealed canister with objects inside.  You will be required to determine what is inside the film canister without opening it.  If you open it, you will be asked to leave the lab area and you will receive a zero.  Don't ruin it for everyone.

The lab page will be due on Friday, unless you complete it during class today.

Here is a copy of the lab page.








4th, 6th, and 7th  hour classes will have the Mystery Powder Lab page due today.  We will view the videos from Monday and have some discussion about what may have caused the dessert disaster.


Then we will take a 5 question, multiple choice, PRE-Test.  This is not for a grade.  It is designed to check your readiness for this chapter.  At the end of the chapter we will take the same test again.


We will have our first portfolio check on Monday.  The checklist is coming out on Friday.  Here is a copy if you would like to get a head start.












FRIDAY 9/13/19


2nd and 3rd hours will finish the Indirect Evidence Lab and turn their paper in.  They can work on organizing their portfolio (3 ring binder) for Monday's portfolio check.  Organize it using the checklist.  This is like a table of contents.  I will expect the binder to be ready when you walk through the door on Monday.


4th, 6th and 7th will complete the indirect evidence lab.  There will be a handout.

We will discuss inferring and how it relates to indirect evidence and the development of the atomic models.  Your group will be given a sealed canister with objects inside.  You will be required to determine what is inside the film canister without opening it.  If you open it, you will be asked to leave the lab area and you will receive a zero.  Don't ruin it for everyone.

Hopefully, we can finish this.  If not, we will knock it out on Monday.  


The afternoon classes will also have the portfolio to prepare for Monday.  I will expect it to be ready when you walk through the door on Monday.  You will get a copy of the checklist today, but you can go to Thursday's entry and print a copy from there. 


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