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Monday,  August 19


BOTH contracts (classroom rules and lab safety) are due TODAY!


You will get bonus cards today.  Watch for the bonus question on the daily PowerPoint. 

Answer the question, turn the card in on Friday to earn 1 point per correct answer.


I will also do our first agenda check today.  Bring your agenda to class and earn a popcorn reward party on a Friday!


The 5 questions from the Solo cup challenge are due.  This must be in your comp book.

I will have you open your comp book and I will walk around and stamp your 5 responses.

If you have all 5, you will get 10 points.  If one of them is missing, you will get a zero.  The stamp will be proof that you had them when they were due.  It is all or nothing.  We will complete some discussion as I pass through the rows with my ink pad and stamper.


While comp books are out, I will cover the vocabulary PowerPoint for the "Whoosh Bottle"demo.  You nay want to jot a few notes down.  There will be a 10 point T/F quiz over the "Whoosh Bottle" demo on Tuesday.  It will be open note.  Notes in your comp book would be helpful!











For Homework:

In your composition notebook, describe the reaction of the Whoosh Bottle.  What is your explanation of why it made the whooshing noise?  Be as detailed as possible and try to use as many of the vocabulary words we discussed as you can.  This will be due tomorrow.

This must be IN YOUR COMP BOOK and a minimum of 3 sentences.


If you miss the demonstration today, watch the youtube video to complete the assignment.  Yes, you must still complete the assignment.



There will also be a review packet over measuring and converting for homework.  This rather large packet will be due on Thursday, August 22.  Do not round any of the measurements.  Try to be as precise as you can.  When you are estimating digits in a measurement, you are only allowed to estimate ONE SINGLE DIGIT.  None of the measurements should be in fraction form.  Use decimals.  Fractions will be considered an incorrect answer.




TUESDAY 8/20/19


Whoosh bottle demo write-up is due.


There will be  10 point T/F open note quiz over the Whoosh Bottle Demo


We will cover the first two slides of the safety PowerPoint.  Jotting some notes down in your comp book would be advisable.  There will be a 15 point T/F open note safety quiz on Thursday.   







There will be a worksheet "Lab Safety Grid" for homework.  This will be due on Wednesday.









We will also view the Safety Rap video.  You are free to watch this as many times as you like.  ENJOY!







Wednesday, 8/21/19


We did not get to the safety rap yesterday.  We will start out with it today!


Safety Grid worksheet is due.  In order to save time, I plan on collecting it and grading it at a later date.


We will finish the last few slides of the safety PowerPoint from yesterday.  I will also complete 3 safety demos:  acid on table sugar, acid on egg white, and acid on cotton cloth. 

For homework:  

1.In your comp book, describe what happens when sulfuric acid comes in contact with these organic materials: Sugar, egg white, cotton fabric.

2.Predict what might happen if sulfuric acid came in contact with your eye tissue or skin.  Give a reason for your prediction.

3.What safety precautions can be taken to prevent contact and minimize injury in the event of an accidental exposure.


If you are absent, watch these videos so you can complete this portion of the assignment.



egg white

cotton cloth  (THIS one is my favorite.  Acid is dumped on a variety of materials.)


There will be a 15 point T/F quiz that is open note on Thursday.  It would be a good idea to jot a few notes down from the safety PowerPoint.


DO NOT FORGET:  The measuring review packet is also due on Thursday.


UPDATE 7th hour had the EHS student council presentation.  This will push 7th hour's Wednesday schedule to Thursday.  Thursday we will have time to turn in the safety grid worksheet, complete the safety demos and take the quiz.  We will also have plenty of time to turn in the measuring worksheet packet assigned on Monday.    



Thursday 8/22/19


Safety demo write-up in comp book is due. 


Measuring packet is due.


15 point T/F quiz over lab safety.  It is open note.


Worksheet on Independent and Dependent variable and writing hypotheses for homework. 










Friday 8/23/19


IV/ DV hypothesis worksheet is due.


We will then go to lab to complete the "Mystery Box" lab. 


You will NOT be allowed in the lab area if you have not yet turned in BOTH, Classroom Rules agreement and Lab Safety Contract.


Each lab bench will have a box with 1 item sealed inside.  Each lab bench will have a different item.  Using your keen observation skills, you will hypothesize what is in the box without opening the box and directly observing the item.  The observations will be recorded in your comp book as well as the hypothesis written in the IF /THEN format. We will rotate through the six lab benches.  The write-up will be due on Monday.


UPDATE:  We will complete all mystery boxes on Monday, but you should have the ones that were viewed today completed for Monday.


7th hour had quite a lot of make up to knock out today.  Safety demo write-up, Safety quiz, and measuring packet.



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